Session Details

Speakers, titles, times, and locations of ASGCT presentations

Detailed Program

You Have a Great Technology...Now What? (Organized by the New Investigator Committee)

This session brings together innovators and investors to share insights into experiences with starting a company, raising capital through VC or pharma partnerships, and successful exit as a billion-dollar company. This session is for if you are interested in learning about the nuances of research commercializing, the dos and don’ts, structure of term sheets, and challenges with launching and building a successful company.

Session Details



Young Investigator to Industry; Academics identifying partners within industry; sponsored research programs, licensing their drugs, etc.

Established Investigator to Industry; Pitching to Investors; Structure; What Term Sheet looks like; How much involvement; VC

Established Investigator to Industry; Pitching to Investors; Structure; What Term Sheet looks like; How much involvement; VC

Balancing careers in academia and industry to accelerate the development of in vivo targeted genetic medicines

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